Poppycocks [noun]

Definition of Poppycocks:


Synonyms of Poppycocks:

Opposite/Antonyms of Poppycocks:

Sentence/Example of Poppycocks:

"That's poppycock," Mason replied, flinging away his cigarette.

Tweedledee is right, everything else to the contrary is Poppycock.'

It is all poppycock to say that education can make a gentleman; don't you think so?

“Poppycock,” said Hudson, briefly, and resumed his cogitation.

"Poppycock," whispered Shelby to Carlotta, as he held her hand.

The Poppycock's a fowl of English breed, And therefore many think him fine indeed.

Then it was all poppycock, two cents a word for minimum rate and payment upon acceptance.

From all the poppycock Anglice bosh you talked about poker, I'd ha' played a straight game, and skinned you.

“That is all poppycock,” exclaimed Compton, rather more irritably than was usual with him.

The whole business is poppycock, in my opinion, and the sooner this bubble bursts the better.