Poster [noun]
Definition of Poster:
large paper advertisement
Synonyms of Poster:
Opposite/Antonyms of Poster:
Sentence/Example of Poster:
Now, a gent with special fine eyes might find that you looked like the gent on this poster.
He crumpled the poster and inserted it beneath the lid of his iron stove.
What would he, so fastidious as he was, think of that poster?
It was a poster on a high fence, and it had a black border around it.
Then he caught sight of Bibi-the-Smoker, who was also reading the poster.
The boy laid the poster on the table where she could read it again, word for word.
Barbara Wallace; the name jumped at me from a poster; that's where I first saw it.
Where his stolid four poster and dresser had been there was greyish nothingness.
He couldn't have felt meaner about it if he had allowed a Democratic poster to be pasted there.
To have seen Toulouse-Lautrec's poster of him and his Cabaret was to recognize him at a glance.