Potlatch [noun]

Definition of Potlatch:

banquet and celebration

Synonyms of Potlatch:

Opposite/Antonyms of Potlatch:


Sentence/Example of Potlatch:

Then he proceeds to invite all his friends, up and down the coast, to a potlatch.

And that night at Lewis's they gave Howard Eaton a potlatch.

Potlatch (Give)konaway (every)sun (day)nesika (our)muckamuck.

He had just returned from a Government “potlatch” at the Tulalip agency.

We took materials for a potlatch,—leaf-tobacco, rice and sugar.

Jim was very anxious that I should attend the closing-day of the potlatch.

He sent a large canoe with eight paddle-men to take me to the potlatch.

When he had secured a large accumulation of such things, he gave a potlatch.

Outside the Fort preparations were under way for a potlatch.

The Potlatch was sentiment, and the Sun-dance was an actual poem.