Predation [noun]
Definition of Predation:
Opposite/Antonyms of Predation:
Sentence/Example of Predation:
Such small rodents constitute another potential source of predation.
Nesting failure resulted from severe weather, predation, parasitism by cowbirds, and human interference.
The absence of the pressure of predation should remove a certain amount of control on the population turn-over.
Freedom from the pressure of predation probably exerts a direct influence on formation of species.
Thus, before the advent of man the factor of predation may not have been of great consequence.
A local study of predation upon hares and grouse during the cyclic decimation.
I have been able to find only a few specific references to predation on it.
Young are more vulnerable to predation and injury because of their small size, soft shells, and immovable plastra.
The incidence of predation on eggs and small juveniles is far greater than on older juveniles and adults.
They are more sluggish at this time and more vulnerable to predation than later in the season when temperatures are optimal.