Preferences [noun]
Definition of Preferences:
first choice
Synonyms of Preferences:
● Desire
● Option
● Weakness
● Choice
● Top
● Flash
● Favorite
● Say
● Election
● Pick
● Groove
● Druthers
● Say so
Sentence/Example of Preferences:
Others make up their minds quickly and express their preferences.
But, neither their aversions nor their preferences avail them anything.
This is not a question of preferences, but of distinction of kinds.
Speaking for my own preferences I think I should like to establish a country club.
I had received a sharp lesson with regard to parading my preferences.
Preferences generally are evidently for this latter solution.
And they were conscious of their vantage and knew they were able to insist on their preferences.
I believe that in doing this, I shall consult your preferences as well as my own.
There are others, essential to their natures, to their preferences.
But you must not under-value others who are less able to consult their own preferences.