Prepossessions [noun]
Definition of Prepossessions:
Sentence/Example of Prepossessions:
But this only subjected me to reproach, as having a prepossession in his favour which I would not own.
It may take him two or three years to come even on it; but it is a prepossession with him.
She was then pleased to charge me with prepossession and prejudice.
Hadn't he usually in his heart a prepossession for some young lady?
Hadn't he usually a prepossession in his heart for some young lady?
Could he swear that he had never whispered with the present object of his prepossession?
Who cannot perceive in these words the surest marks of prepossession and fear?
If she suspected any prepossession elsewhere, it could not be in that quarter.
A prepossession often misleads the industry of active genius.
The sovereign is said to have been influenced by the prepossession of the secret.