Presiding [adjective]
Definition of Presiding:
Opposite/Antonyms of Presiding:
Sentence/Example of Presiding:
At last Salvat rose, and the presiding judge began to interrogate him.
The presiding judge scowled as he examined the opening odds.
Is he not the presiding genius of the company for relieving the Poles?
Presiding over all this advance is the "efficient cause," God.
He bowed to the presiding judge and stood ready to give in his testimony.
That settled the question of men's presiding at a woman's convention.
This was, by the presiding officer, referred to the Committee on the Insane.
Yet the spirit of the Anglo-Saxon is the presiding genius of our destiny.
The presiding officer inquired from what place he had been sent to Maloun.
It is absurd to say that I have been unlucky since presiding at that dinner.