Privileging [verb]
Definition of Privileging:
Synonyms of Privileging:
Opposite/Antonyms of Privileging:
Sentence/Example of Privileging:
Still professor emeritus, which actually gives me a great privilege of having free parking.
Understanding how big politics actually are to your safety and livelihood came with me first, checking some of my privilege, and second, understanding capitalism and the oligarchy we live in a little better.
Google pays an estimated $8 billion to $12 billion for the privilege, and as a result the DOJ said nearly half of Google’s search traffic in 2019 came from Apple products.
Analysts estimate Google pays more than $10 billion a year for the privilege and, since the designation costs Apple nothing, the money flows straight into Apple’s profits.
“At Twitter, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right, not a privilege,” he is expected to say.
My friend tells me that I’m in a country with the privilege to do something people have fought for.
When people or countries come in to raid the great wealth of our Nation, I want them to pay for the privilege of doing so.
We have a responsibility to open doors and make the path easier for those coming behind us and for those who do not have the privileges that we do.
A lot of times people forget that a lot of things that they enjoy or take for granted are issues and privileges that minority groups have fought for and yet continuously get discriminated against today.
Now, as a gaming reporter, his past as the Post moderator has granted him certain privileges, people defend him when his pieces are being discussed.