Proliferous [adjective]

Definition of Proliferous:


Opposite/Antonyms of Proliferous:


Sentence/Example of Proliferous:

In some of these plants the flower-heads were also proliferous.

Here grew the Masarooth (Selinum palustre) with a proliferous umbel.

On the other hand, Verlot gives several cases of proliferous flowers which can be propagated by seed.

The calyx therefore, contrary to the nature of the common Polytrichum, is proliferous from its base.

The herbs I collected hereabouts were Mesomora (Cornus suecica) with a proliferous blossom.

It formed a new species of the Proliferous section, allied to Pultenaea stipularis.

Proliferous flowers of Orchids also occasionally present great complexity in the arrangement of their parts.

Moquin-Tandon gives the following references to cases of proliferous roses, but some I have not been able to verify.

In proliferous flowers the pistil is often completely defective, its place being occupied by the adventitious bud or axis.