Propitiating [verb]
Definition of Propitiating:
Sentence/Example of Propitiating:
I told him I did, and it was because I did and meant to do so to the last, that I would not stoop to propitiate any of them.
Not in a spirit of contrition, in a way to propitiate his scandalised fellow-citizens.
She tried to propitiate the General after her usual manner towards him.
If 'Tildy thought to propitiate Uncle Remus, she was mistaken.
Yet the Brahman needed the Sudra, and had to propitiate him in order to use him.
“Your God must be hard to propitiate,” said the young Jewess.
Do not suppose that I make this confession of my folly to you in order to propitiate the Deity.
For the rest, I trust to myself to propitiate the kindly and to silence the calumnious.
What pathos in that word compared with the fate which it failed to propitiate!
Probably he was anxious to propitiate her with regard to whatever Bertha might be writing about.