Proportionately [adverb]

Definition of Proportionately:

in proportion

Synonyms of Proportionately:

Opposite/Antonyms of Proportionately:


Sentence/Example of Proportionately:

His tall figure was proportionately broad, and he was heavily fleshed.

The attack was repelled, but the French losses were proportionately great.

It was his own invention, and he was proportionately proud of it.

The mortality of unmarried mothers is proportionately great.

He was proportionately disappointed by her unexpected displeasure.

And the troubles and anxieties of the Postmaster-Generals were proportionately great.

There are proportionately more women that are too short, than too tall.

"Oh, I don't mind the height, if the price is proportionately low," Beth said.

The dawn, and the sunrise, too, come on proportionately early in the morning.

She has done very wrong, and her punishment must be proportionately severe.