Protectorships [noun]
Definition of Protectorships:
Synonyms of Protectorships:
● Backing
● Aegis
● Sponsor
● Aid
● Auspices
● Patron
● Angel
● Support
● Advocacy
● Tutelage
● Egis
Sentence/Example of Protectorships:
Waller wrote a fine panegyric on Cromwell, when he assumed the Protectorship.
San Martin was now the hero of Chile, and was begged to accept the protectorship of the new Republic.
His extreme republican views, however, led him into the bitterest antagonism when C. assumed the Protectorship.
On their journey, the Roman envoys sent to assume the office of protectorship remonstrated with Philip.
She was under his protectorship, otherwise he would not have alluded to the observance of class distinctions.
York after a struggle secured the protectorship, and for the next year ruled England.
They asked him whether he did not mean that his eldest son, Richard, should succeed him in the protectorship.
James Naylor was a Quaker, noted for blasphemy, or rather madness, in the time of the protectorship.
Then to accept his family's protectorship and hospitality for that same end was even more obnoxious.
If my Protectorship is nothing, what in the name of wonder is your Parliamenteership, a reflex and creation of that?