Psychiatric [adjective]

Definition of Psychiatric:


Synonyms of Psychiatric:

Opposite/Antonyms of Psychiatric:

Sentence/Example of Psychiatric:

The psychiatric expert must examine all such cases with the utmost care.

So much for the technical, psychiatric aspects of the stupor problem.

Perhaps we can collaborate on an article for the psychiatric journals.

Jack, successful in his own psychiatric practice, had more difficulty when he drove or flew from Boston to see her.

Telenosis, nowadays, is confined almost exclusively to use in psychiatric hospitals and corrective institutions.

Unorna had listened attentively, as she always did when Keyork delivered himself of a serious opinion upon a psychiatric case.

The real problem is to determine the psychiatric group into which the case should be placed.

He was psychiatric and expended the greater part of his feverish energy through the channel of painting.

On the psychiatric side Gross has called attention to the existence of two psychological types.

Around these types are grouped juridical figures of crimes, reproduced from psychiatric forms.