Publicly [adverb]
Definition of Publicly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Publicly:
Sentence/Example of Publicly:
"Some slaves have been publicly registered as adopted children," said Eudora.
At length, carried away by impatience, I reprimanded him publicly.
The Caucasian God was taken out of His pigeon-hole and publicly recognised.
"Do not take me publicly through the streets," said Arthur to his keepers.
How will you do that, now that they are publicly entered upon?
I thank him publicly for his companionship and his patriotism.
For this he was publicly thanked by Generals Slocum and Geary.
Since her separation from her husband, her lover is publicly named.
They were all ranked, and that publicly, as lovers of Her Majesty.
Two of them died with her, and said publicly that they had been poisoned.