Questioners [noun]
Definition of Questioners:
Opposite/Antonyms of Questioners:
Sentence/Example of Questioners:
The answer has been as variable as the purpose of the questioners.
Straws, informed on all matters, was able to satisfy his questioners.
Anglique was often too frank by half, and questioners got from her more than they liked to hear.
Some of the questions were not easy to answer, considering that the questioners were Hindus.
“No,” answered the cibolero, while he observed the continued confusion of his questioners.
The questioners sat there in silence, and watched him as he slept.
His eyes, gray in color, were clear and direct as he faced his questioners.
Of course, my questioners were neither engineers nor geographers.
But neither Tweedle-dum nor Tweedle-dee enlightened the questioners.
The like answer Christianity has still to give to its questioners.