Quietens [verb]

Definition of Quietens:


Synonyms of Quietens:

Opposite/Antonyms of Quietens:

Sentence/Example of Quietens:

His calmness, and the steadiness of his voice seemed to quieten her.

I says: 'See, Jennings, how women-folk do quieten babbies; it's just as I said.'

Marys task was to quieten the country, a task perhaps impossible.

Lance may, after all, quieten down, and he must have some good qualities.

She could only surmise that the man had a conscience, and that in this way he strove to quieten it.

Coontin' the times ye've been at the kirk'll no' quieten your fears.

And Bella, in the seclusion of her own room, was trying to quieten her fears.

The number of these shells was unusually large; but later on towards 10 A.M. things began to quieten down in the back area.

We are all full of longings; and the chief blessing of civilization is that it supplies the wherewithal to quieten them.

Some were for a slight concession, just a sugar-plum to quieten the naughty child, a sacrifice to peace and quietness.