Quinquennial [adjective]

Definition of Quinquennial:

having five of something

Synonyms of Quinquennial:

Opposite/Antonyms of Quinquennial:


Sentence/Example of Quinquennial:

The valuations of the Fund should be made at quinquennial intervals.

Table I. gives the number of illegitimate births per 1000 births in various countries of the world for quinquennial periods.

The period of the Reichstag elected in 1887 expired, and the new elections, the first for a quinquennial period, would take place.

The Napoleonic wars caused a slight lapse in the quinquennial indults.

Twelve quinquennial cycles were united into a greater period (yuga) of sixty years.

The quinquennial year seems to have been the year in which matters of consequence were more likely to be done than at other times.

There remains yet the question in regard to the men who filled the quinquennial office.

This duty was performed by the duovirs with quinquennial power, also often called censorial power.

Marquardt makes this a proof that the quinquennial title shows nothing more than a function of the regular duovir.

Quinquennial report of the Committee for building the Siberian railroad.