Rabbeted [verb]
Definition of Rabbeted:
make a space; push in slightly
Synonyms of Rabbeted:
● Pink
● Depress
● Cut
● Dent
● Serrate
● Mark
● Hollow
● Nick
● Score
● Bash
● Dint
● Jag
● Notch
● Pit
● Rut
● Scallop
● Rabbet
● Cave in
Sentence/Example of Rabbeted:
In an end-lap joint on rabbeted pieces the joint must be adapted to the rabbet.
If the ends of the front are to be rabbeted (see above), do this next.
The side pieces are also rabbeted for the glass and the posts have grooves 1/2 in.
They are rabbeted on the inside for the glass and are finished on all sides.
The end rails should be rabbeted on the inside for the latticework and the glass.
The frames should be rabbeted on the inside for the latticework and the glass.
The posts should be rabbeted down to their middles to a depth of 3/8 in.
The back rails should, in addition, be rabbeted for the back board as shown.
The three external plankings as well as the lining are all rabbeted into the stem.
At the top ends they are rabbeted as shown, and wired to the top frame.