Racks [noun]

Definition of Racks:

frame, framework

Synonyms of Racks:

Opposite/Antonyms of Racks:


Sentence/Example of Racks:

He went across to the hotel, tied the gelding at the rack, and sat down on the veranda.

In the bottom of the pan is a rack upon which the meat may rest.

They fought for bread, as horses when there is no hay in the rack.

Were it not better that they should die on the field than by the rack?

He went into Mr. Galloway's room, and brought forth the three letters from the rack.

Bid me despair and die—but do not stretch me on the rack of jealousy!

Meg took off her best hat and placed it carefully in the rack.

These insinuations, Harriet, have put my anxiety to the rack.

It was an abode of dirt and disorder, a mason's cellar going to rack and ruin.

All that humbug which has only sent poor folks to rack and ruin!