Radiantly [adverb]
Definition of Radiantly:
Sentence/Example of Radiantly:
She put her hands on David's shoulders, and looked at him radiantly.
And then I saw that Harry was a new Harry altogether, and that he was radiantly happy.
The moon, drooping in the western board, looked at her radiantly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere, Miss Pat," she said radiantly.
How fair and fresh and beautiful she was, garlanded with flowers and radiantly happy.
I am radiantly ready now, and there are seven still and shining hours ahead.
Nash hesitated not a moment; his answer was radiantly there.
"Jimps, I'm perfectly contented," she said radiantly, as they walked on.
She had been so truly wretched an hour ago, and now how radiantly happy she was.
But it was not necessary for Agnes to repeat that she was radiantly happy.