Radiators [noun]
Definition of Radiators:
device which heats
Synonyms of Radiators:
Opposite/Antonyms of Radiators:
Sentence/Example of Radiators:
From this table you can make your own radiators to keep the house warm in winter.
Remember that at this time I had never heard of shutters for the radiators.
Old tricks would not go: there was no heat in the radiators.
Is it economical to keep stoves and radiators highly polished?
The heater, pipes, and radiators are all filled with water before the fire is started.
These should heat all the radiators and supply all hot water.
His home would be fitted with radiators and warmed by hot water.
Radiators may be placed under the floor (Fig. 34) when so desired.
This prevents a rush of water from the boiler to the radiators.
It wanted but a turn of the hand at the radiators, and the rooms were warm.