Radicles [noun]

Definition of Radicles:

base, core

Opposite/Antonyms of Radicles:

Sentence/Example of Radicles:

Radicle or Radicula: that joint of the antenna that is articulated to the head.

Give the etymologies of the words icicle, radicle, and radical.

The -icle, in icicle, is apparently the same as the -icle in radicle.

The radicle is blunt and is about 3⁄4 mm in length, while the cotyledons are 1⁄2 mm long.

The initial stem on which they stand was called the Radicle.

The cotyledons are accumbent when they lie with their edges against the radicle, 128.

The kind of charge, positive or negative, depends on the nature of the radicle.

It consists of one or more seed-leaves or cotyledons, a radicle or young root, and a plumule or young bud.

The envelope breaks, the little plant makes its appearance; radicle and stalk come to light.

Also imagine one atom of oxygen with its two hooks outstretched like two arms, and just link one radicle on to each.