Radiometers [noun]
Definition of Radiometers:
photography device
Opposite/Antonyms of Radiometers:
Sentence/Example of Radiometers:
Count Bathyani recently took up a radiometer to a height of about a mile.
The spectroscope and the radiometer are more wonderful than any ‘supernatural’ thing yet heard of.
The latest use to which the radiometer has been put was to test the viscosity of gases at decreasing pressures.
The first endeavor led to the construction of the radiometer.
Instead of using the fan in this experiment, we may use the "electric" radiometer with similar effect.
To a radiometer (fig. 6) with attached charcoal bulb B was sealed a tube ending in a small bulb A containing a globule of mercury.
Thus it appears that we have been able to show by very definite experimental evidence that the radiometer is a heat engine.
The monitors were synchronized with the radiometer and changed view at every ten-mile marker.