Ragtimes [noun]
Definition of Ragtimes:
style of music
Opposite/Antonyms of Ragtimes:
Sentence/Example of Ragtimes:
While perhaps to generalise these delights, a trundled organ tossed a ragtime.
Ragtime floated to us, and presently a snatch from "The Sultan of Sulu."
The "piano specialty," which he originated, started the "ragtime" craze.
She made coffee in a fantastic percolator, and played Débussy and ragtime.
Life here hammers in the blood with something of the insistence of ragtime.
Or is it that the ragtime kings have gone to the antiquities of the Orient for their melodies?
If, in total ignorance, a resident of India asks you, "What is ragtime?"
He was practicing the newest of the ragtime airs to get that far South.
There is ragtime literature as well as ragtime music for the many.
My heart beat in ragtime rhythm, and my pulse was out of the running.