Rancorously [adverb]
Definition of Rancorously:
with resentment
Opposite/Antonyms of Rancorously:
Sentence/Example of Rancorously:
Again he says that "Clay is as rancorously benevolent as John Randolph."
In this respect no kindred movement is so decidedly infidel, so rancorously and avowedly anti-biblical.
"Ef he war roasted 'twould be mighty peaceful round in Lonesome," the old crone exclaimed, rancorously.
There Colden stood, with a rancorously jubilant smile, to receive him.
He was, besides, deeply and rancorously prejudiced against that nation.
Saxe is fettered to her hand and foot, and the Duchesse de Bouillon hates her as rancorously as she does Adrienne.
By the opposite party he was rancorously hated; and their malignant calumnies still sully the stream of history.
The clergy fear him, the Court detests him, and the Roman aristocracy are rancorously hostile.
The whole community is rancorously divided into parties on almost every subject.
For his part he rancorously hated hydropathics, having once spent a black week under the roof of one in his wife's company.