Randiest [adjective]
Definition of Randiest:
Opposite/Antonyms of Randiest:
Sentence/Example of Randiest:
Randy Paine came back from France to the monotony of everyday affairs.
"My left foot is beginning to hurt me a little," put in Randy.
"It's too bad we haven't got some game to cook," observed Randy.
Dan Soppinger was close behind him, with Jack and Randy following.
"We had better keep close to this stream," was Randy's suggestion.
To this there was no immediate answer, and then Randy stepped forward.
Randy stopped short, and so did some of the others who had started to speak.
"We ought to get a doctor for him just as soon as possible," said Randy.
"I'm going to fix up some new harness for them," announced Randy.
"Let's take a few of those sheets of ice upstairs," said Randy.