Ranged [verb]

Definition of Ranged:

order, categorize

Synonyms of Ranged:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ranged:

Sentence/Example of Ranged:

With that I ranged them fair and even with my hook-em-snivey—up they go.

In his own State the Ku-Klux ranged together with the fierce whang-doodle.

The range of our talk was tremendous, and the wider we ranged the closer we drew.

He had worked and eaten and slept in their holes, he had ranged the slums of all the seas.

It ranged out over an ocean world which was all in a state of ferment and change.

The other frigates followed, and ranged themselves as supports.

They ranged themselves across the road, and one cried: "Halt!"

They ranged about full of malice against Shaddai, and looking for means to injure him.

The chests were ranged in a straight row a foot or more out from the wall.

It ranged high, moreover, and only clipped away a bit of the roof.