Rangiest [adjective]

Definition of Rangiest:

long and lean

Synonyms of Rangiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rangiest:





Sentence/Example of Rangiest:

Then he turned to a lean rider who bestrode a tall, rangy horse.

Smuts is essentially an out-of-doors person and his body is wiry and rangy.

In all there were fourteen of these cats—swift and rangy performers, all of them.

A man was coming down from the north, lickety-split on a roan with a rangy stride.

That fat part was something of a joke, for she would always be lean and rangy.

Larry, a rangy, hawk-faced youngster, eyed his brother insolently.

Six were huskies, rangy, muscular animals with thick, dense coats.

He was a powerful, rangy bay, and not winded by his run and his swim.

"All right, Mason," and Grant came into view on a rangy sorrel.

Hector ducked in through the doorway and plopped his rangy frame on the office's couch.