Rarities [noun]
Definition of Rarities:
Sentence/Example of Rarities:
Can it be that the rarity of this virtue in England has to do with our living in a straitened island?
Of course its rarity made it all the more impressive when it did come.
Their rarity, in my opinion, makes them more esteemed than they deserve.
A milk-white fawn, on account of its rarity, was given him by a peasant.
No doubt, he was anxious to emphasise the novelty and rarity of his literary adventures.
These gentlemen are as precious from their price as their rarity!
A single case on one occasion may exhibit a rarity of this kind.
Rarity, as geology tells us, is the precursor to extinction.
"Doubtless they are high-priced, being a rarity," said the Scotchman.
Elzevir Cæsar, Brunet's measurement of, 26—origin of its rarity, 66.