Ratifications [noun]

Definition of Ratifications:


Synonyms of Ratifications:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ratifications:

Sentence/Example of Ratifications:

Captain Lote was the first to speak after ratification of the contract.

He urged also the ratification by Ohio of the Fifteenth Amendment.

The ratification of the Article of Union was on the sixteenth of January.

He waited there long, but, of course, brought back no ratification.

They agreed to the terms and, pending their ratification, raised the siege of Chartres.

The first State to summon a convention of ratification was Pennsylvania.

The place of the ratification is still called Comitium, from "coire," to meet.

Only compulsion upon the Southern States procured its ratification.

The promise he had made was nothing more than a ratification of the old one.

The ordinance was never submitted to the states for ratification.