Rationalistic [adjective]
Definition of Rationalistic:
logical, rational
Synonyms of Rationalistic:
Sentence/Example of Rationalistic:
He was familiar with the trend of the rationalistic movement.
Neither was he affected by the rationalistic teachings of the professors.
He made no attempt to account for her presence there on any rationalistic theory.
Paine's 'Age of Reason' is a masterpiece of Rationalistic literature.
He was an apparition possible only in modern and rationalistic Protestant Germany.
Renan is one of the chief writers of the rationalistic school.
In the beginning, the movement was consistently and fearlessly Rationalistic.
For Protestantism is raised essentially upon a Rationalistic base.
And how few fine minds are there to-day which are not rationalistic, unorthodox?
But this seems to be merely a rationalistic view of the matter.