Ravens [noun]

Definition of Ravens:

something stolen

Synonyms of Ravens:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ravens:


Sentence/Example of Ravens:

Uncas, come this way, lad, and let the ravens settle upon the Mingo.

"Hello yourself and see how you like it," the mascot of the Ravens called down.

I never saw any Ravens in this country, and if there be any they must be very rare.

The story of these buildings is the story of the Ravens, so old and yet so new.

The thought was like ravens flapping their black wings on her brain.

And Gerda told the princess all her story, and of what the ravens had done to help her.

Thus did the secret order of the "Ravens and Serpents" have its birth.

Not one of the unsuspecting Ravens guessed what Gyp had in mind!

The Ravens, who were in the group, suddenly looked at one another.

Now that the Ravens faced the fulfillment of their plans they felt a little nervous.