Readers [noun]

Definition of Readers:

person who reads

Synonyms of Readers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Readers:


Sentence/Example of Readers:

I am hoping that some readers will look on this collection primarily as a book of poems.

He had forgotten for the moment that anybody was listening to him, save the two readers.

I can assure my readers that in its main particulars it is a true tale.

I should like to introduce Jarrett to my readers, for he was a most extraordinary man.

A paper read by this class of readers must be radically wrong.

But my readers must not think that my father often talked like this.

This intelligence is exclusive; and I leave you and your readers to draw their own inferences from it.

There was small occasion as yet, some of my readers may think.

I will not linger over the affair—as unpleasant to myself as it can be to any of my readers.

I have said little about my uncle's teaching, lest I should bore my readers.