Readings [noun]

Definition of Readings:

interpretation of written word

Synonyms of Readings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Readings:

Sentence/Example of Readings:

He was reading when I approached him, and he looked flushed and agitated.

Your reading makes you a stranger to nothing but what you should be most acquainted with.

The reading of the letter was greeted with prolonged applause.

While Mr. Compton was reading the letter, I had leisure to look at him, and at his room.

The first evening reading had been commenced with nuts and apples.

There was no change in the face or pose of the man who listened to the reading.

When he was at an end of the reading, he regarded the passive woman at the desk with a new respect.

She was reading by the lamp, and the door into the hall stood open.

With it was a letter that I have read a thousand times—this letter that I am now reading.

You wouldn't expect people to pay for reading books; would you, now?