Reads [verb]

Definition of Reads:

look at and understand written word

Synonyms of Reads:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reads:

Sentence/Example of Reads:

"Here's a fine letter to read on a hot day," called Percival.

I've always been taken with the chap; and I'm very glad you read him correctly.

Sorcery reads backwards—and I saw him so read from that scroll of his.

The feelings with which Robert read and his mother listened to this letter, were varied.

Did you notice you could read every letter in the label on that ham?

I'm always amused when I read about the suffering in the tenements.

Percival read them all hungrily, disregarding those that did not confirm his own opinions.

“He always was an unmannerly cub,” said Master Headley, as he read the letter.

She could not read, and would trust no one but her son-in-law to read it to her.

But before you start to read let me explain what I intend to do.