Realpolitiks [noun]
Definition of Realpolitiks:
political philosophy
Opposite/Antonyms of Realpolitiks:
Sentence/Example of Realpolitiks:
This, of course, does not tend to enhance the realpolitik instincts of the nation.
Napoleon's speech about English "Realpolitik" would prove an unprecedented success.
He little knew, poor man, how much he was flattering our capacity for Realpolitik!
As it was, Realpolitik counselled prudence, and the observance of the forms of Christianity.
Having turned the neutral world into enemies, Realpolitik was now ready to turn Germany's allies into neutrals.
In the second half of the nineteenth century Macchiavellism received the name of practical policy (Realpolitik).
The Hohenzollerns were supposed to be the unsurpassed practitioners of Realpolitik.