Reappearances [noun]
Definition of Reappearances:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reappearances:
Sentence/Example of Reappearances:
She must get away before her admirers demanded her reappearance on the platform.
So he retraced his steps into the kitchen, curious as to the meaning of her reappearance.
It came with the reappearance of the stranger round the corner of the barn.
At the break of day she made her reappearance southeast of Nantucket.
But this reappearance shows that his detachment from the world was not complete.
She had been on the point of starting out, when the woman's reappearance prevented her.
This sudden vanishing and reappearance occurred at every tempest.
Could it be that Burleigh lingered on in hopes of their reappearance below?
There was no material yet for a reappearance equally striking.
He then waited for the reappearance of Penurot, who had promised to be back at midnight.