Reasonless [adjective]

Definition of Reasonless:

worthless; unfounded

Synonyms of Reasonless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reasonless:

Sentence/Example of Reasonless:

Of all unbeautiful and inappropriate conceptions this is the most reasonless and offensive.

You are not oxen,—yet often you are as patient, as dull, as blind and reasonless as they!

Too late he cursed the reasonless panic that had sent him into flight.

Like its antithesis, "lose out," this reasonless phrase is of sport, "sporty."

My dreams, if dreams they may be called, were rhymeless and reasonless.

By this man is distinguished from the reasonless creatures, and the noble of men from the base sort.

At first, no doubt, it was a chaos of streets and people and buildings and reasonless going to and fro.

Yet they issued from the same vocal chords, unless Forth was having a reasonless, macabre joke.

The thought that he was several years her junior produced a reasonless sigh.

Mary said, "No doubt," but a reasonless fear gathered like thin mist across her heart.