Rebuilding [verb]
Definition of Rebuilding:
Sentence/Example of Rebuilding:
This shows that the books were certainly compiled after the rebuilding of the city.
He said the men were rebuilding the stockade and getting in the harvest.
Yet, at the rebuilding of the temple, Ezra was a ready scribe in that lost writing.
Naturally the cost of rebuilding exceeded the original estimate.
This doubtless refers to the rebuilding of the Fortune and the Red Bull.
It is obvious that the war will have to be followed by a time of rebuilding.
That will give you full swing in your plans for the rebuilding of the system.
It was just the same with the other Magdalen tower at Taunton till its rebuilding.
But while these were under consideration the citizens were rebuilding their houses.
It will be our duty to labour with vigour and sacrifice at the rebuilding of our nation.