Recaptured [verb]

Definition of Recaptured:


Synonyms of Recaptured:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recaptured:


Sentence/Example of Recaptured:

Preventing his recapture, the mob bore him off to the Church of the Cerviti.

He burned now to be avenged, and at all costs he would ride after and recapture her.

I still felt that there was a chance for us to recapture the ship.

Margaret sprang up and tried to recapture the cup which had just left her hand.

Birdie and Godley are at work upon a scheme for its recapture.

That night the Americans plotted the recapture of their vessel.

Then the leader of the Indians called for help to recapture the prisoners.

The Swami made a determined effort to recapture the spotlight.

He was trying to recapture them and as he brought them back he laughed.

And they weren't trying to recapture us back there; they were trying to kill us.