Recasting [verb]
Definition of Recasting:
alter, change
Synonyms of Recasting:
● Repair
● Tweak
● Vary
● Adjust
● Adapt
● Rework
● Correct
● Revise
● Mutate
● Convert
● Doctor
● Reform
● Turn
● Become
● Redo
● Remodel
● Reshape
● Recast
Opposite/Antonyms of Recasting:
Sentence/Example of Recasting:
Show by recasting this ballad into dramatic form that it is a miniature drama.
Recasting is done by changing the positions of words or by the use of new words.
The signs of our time indicate that we are on the eve of a recasting of the old forms.
He had conceived the idea of revising and recasting “Sordello.”
Two lines of thought now lead to a recasting of our conceptions of the fundamental notions of geometry.
There is great need for reforming our front, for recasting our tactics.
I was in the act of recasting my second sentence, when the light went out.
Every fresh myth is only the recasting of an ancient fable, born of ignorance and imagination.
He began by recasting all that his predecessors had done, and it was only after four years that he had published the first volume.
To Frenchmen was entrusted the work of recasting the laws and training the army in strategy and tactics.