Receptivities [noun]
Definition of Receptivities:
Sentence/Example of Receptivities:
At the end of thirty days, we will mail you the Second Degree (for receptivity).
The love of Nature, the different love, is a matter of our own receptivity.
The imperfection of the healer, and the lack of receptivity in the patient, are local limitations.
It is manifested by the states of gravity, receptivity, coldness, and darkness.
One of the most interesting things about Forster was his "receptivity."
He is hampered in the giving by the want of receptivity in those to whom his message is addressed.
As with everything good in human life, back of this receptivity is God.
Receptivity, not originality, is the characteristic of the Malay races.
But it is to be no mere life of receptivity, with no effort of their own.
The Congo native is in a continuous state of receptivity when it comes to food.