Recesses [noun]

Definition of Recesses:

niche, corner

Synonyms of Recesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recesses:

Sentence/Example of Recesses:

At sides masonry with recesses; in the R. centre a great doorway.

The unfortunate Boabdil plunged once more amidst the recesses of the Alhambra.

We can neither plumb the depths nor pierce the shades of its recesses.

We'll have to be stayin' more together mornin's and noons and recesses, so we will.

But a still greater cunning lurked in the recesses of the Indian mind.

So musing, he lit his pipe and examined the recesses beneath the driver's seat.

At night she floated dark in all her recesses, and full of fears.

Proposed, that we be allowed to walk upon the common in the recesses.

She led him into one of the recesses, almost concealed by the bed-hangings.

Searching into the recesses of her memory, it at last flashed upon her.