Recharge [verb]
Definition of Recharge:
Sentence/Example of Recharge:
Do not give any promise as to when a recharge battery will be ready.
She has to come up to recharge her batteries or to "make a passage."
After such a run, it would be necessary to stop and recharge the batteries.
(D) Recharge with as many sparks as you think you can stand.
At night, he had surfaced to get his bearings and to recharge the air tanks.
"I figure it takes them a while to recharge their gun," said Haines.
There was but just time to recharge the rifles and pistols, when they came on again.
Shorty, who was whittling up a piece of Kentucky twist to recharge his pipe, laughed till he rolled off the stump all in a heap.
We're lucky we didn't come near any stars in the process; if we had, we could have had to recharge the coil.
The submarine had evidently been compelled to rise to recharge batteries, the heavy sea notwithstanding.