Recollections [noun]
Definition of Recollections:
Opposite/Antonyms of Recollections:
Sentence/Example of Recollections:
Exhausted in mind and body, she could not long endure this tide of recollection.
The assistant said I needed him, but, to the best of my recollection, he kneaded me.
The recollection of what you have done is ever present to me.
Her smile of recollection was reflected in the faces of her friends.
At last Max seemed to remember about it, and laughed at the recollection.
Although this recollection stayed his hand, it had no effect on his tongue.
He thought so himself when he grew to be a man, and he laughed at the recollection of his manners.
The recollection served to inspire me with a new desperate courage.
Lady Glistonbury had but imperfectly recovered her recollection.
At this time, my mother must have been dead; for of her I retain no recollection whatever.