Reconnoiters [verb]

Definition of Reconnoiters:


Synonyms of Reconnoiters:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reconnoiters:

Sentence/Example of Reconnoiters:

There was no cranny in the rocks too small for them to reconnoiter with caution.

While the crew rested, he climbed the face of a rocky cliff to reconnoiter.

We are to reconnoiter along this road and down toward that bridge (pointing).

Presently a Persian on horseback rode up to reconnoiter the pass.

There appeared to be no one on this side, and Lovejoy stepped forward to reconnoiter.

A small boat with a pilot and midshipman was sent in to reconnoiter the harbor.

In an hour we halted, and the cavalry went forward to reconnoiter.

Then Dick crept through the opening in the crumbling wall to reconnoiter.

Yes, and I have come to ask if I may go and reconnoiter the British encampment.

Melendez immediately sent a detachment of men to reconnoiter.