Recoverable [adjective]

Definition of Recoverable:


Synonyms of Recoverable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recoverable:


Sentence/Example of Recoverable:

In New Jersey, an advocate's fees are not recoverable at law.

Nerve in riding is recoverable by practice on a very confidential horse.

Bets on horse-races are illegal; and therefore are not recoverable by law.

A gift not conditioned on compensation shall not be recoverable.

Penalty for offence, 100, recoverable with full costs of suit (s. 192).

Some better knowledge of it than we now possess, must be, I think, recoverable.

This breed is now recoverable, probably, only by importation from Asia.

Money debts, it is true, were recoverable from an early time.

Most kinds of offerings are now recoverable in secular courts.

Luckily the officers tents were recoverable, but not the men's.