Recrimination [noun]
Definition of Recrimination:
Synonyms of Recrimination:
● Rebuke
● Obloquy
● Tirade
● Charge
● Attack
● Reproof
● Diatribe
● Slur
● Censure
● Disfavor
● Reproach
● Chiding
Opposite/Antonyms of Recrimination:
Sentence/Example of Recrimination:
There is one case I must observe to you in which recrimination has peculiar poignancy.
I beg to say, kind hearers, that this is not spoken in a spirit of recrimination.
She complained no more, she wept no more, she indulged no more in recrimination.
But they did, in a whisper, for something in the way of recrimination began.
But recrimination is useless, and can lead to no good result.
It was he who provided the university with food for mirth, envy, satire, recrimination.
Let there be doubt and recrimination so that preparations are hindered here.
The interview was long and violent, it is said, and full of recrimination.
That he had done so surreptitiously robbed him of the privilege of recrimination.
If he were to do this, he must have recourse to recrimination, which he did not wish.