Recruitments [noun]
Definition of Recruitments:
Opposite/Antonyms of Recruitments:
Sentence/Example of Recruitments:
Even the recruitment of stewards did not go according to predictions.
The "Smart Set" especially welcomed this recruitment of their numbers.
Nor is there any reason why the recruitment should be confined to persons of British domicile.
In Ceylon there is no system of recruitment like that for the Assam tea-gardens.
Sections sit in Permanence, for recruitment, enrolment, that very night.
The recruitment of Gūrkhas for the British service began in 1838.
Service in National Guard compulsory; regular army supplied by recruitment.
Unlike the troops in the United States, it can not count upon reinforcements or recruitment.
Recruitment standards, which had to be relaxed during the war, are now being tightened.
These schools will be exclusively intended for the recruitment of officers of each arm, in the proportion of one school per arm.