Recs [noun]

Definition of Recs:

sports, games, special interests

Opposite/Antonyms of Recs:

Sentence/Example of Recs:

You rec'lect that there ain't a roof on that side o' the house.

Your's of the 2d inst I rec'd last night, for which I am obliged to you.

Do you care to rec'lect, Henry, that all our venison is gone?

"Since the 18th September, I have rec'd only 35¼ dollars," Fenno lamented.

Also the servant of Tonomon Samme came and shewed me a letter which he had rec.

I delivered the thowsand tais to Mr. Osterwick, which I rec.

The King of Firando sent a man to me with a letter which he rec.

In fact he didn't favor him, not at all, that I can rec'lect.

"I rec'on hit's Burton, th' ghost-man," she muttered under her breath.

I rec'lect I went up to 'em and says, 'Be you one boy cut in two?'